Title: I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month and Here's What Happened

Are you feeling burnt out from constantly giving, giving, giving? It's time to take a break and focus on yourself for a change. Trust me, I know from experience. I recently took a month off from a certain bedroom activity and let me tell you, it was a game changer. I had more time and energy to invest in myself and my needs. If you're ready to prioritize your own pleasure, check out some of the best free membership online dating sites at Success in Dating and start putting yourself first for a change.


As a married woman, I have always been open to trying new things in the bedroom to keep the spark alive in my relationship. However, after having kids and juggling work and household responsibilities, I found myself feeling exhausted and unappreciated. I began to realize that I was putting all of my energy into pleasing my husband while neglecting my own needs. So, I decided to take a bold step and stop giving my husband blow jobs for a month to see how it would impact our relationship.

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The Initial Reaction

When I first told my husband about my decision, he was surprised and a bit disappointed. He had come to expect this type of intimacy from me, and he couldn't understand why I suddenly wanted to stop. I explained to him that I needed to focus on myself and that I wanted to see if not engaging in this activity would make a difference in our relationship. He reluctantly agreed, but I could tell that he was not entirely happy about it.

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Emotional Impact

During the first week, I noticed a significant change in my husband's behavior. He seemed distant and moody, and I could tell that he was missing the physical connection that we had shared during our intimate moments. I, on the other hand, felt a sense of empowerment and freedom. I was no longer putting pressure on myself to perform, and I could focus on other aspects of our relationship.

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Communication and Connection

As the days passed, my husband and I began to communicate more openly about our needs and desires. We started to have meaningful conversations about our relationship and what we both needed to feel fulfilled. Without the distraction of sexual intimacy, we were able to connect on a deeper level and strengthen our emotional bond. We found new ways to show affection and express our love for each other.

Rekindling the Flame

After a couple of weeks, I noticed a positive shift in our relationship. My husband became more attentive and affectionate, and I felt a renewed sense of passion between us. We started to explore new ways to please each other and found other forms of intimacy that brought us closer together. I realized that taking a break from giving blow jobs allowed us to rediscover the excitement and spontaneity in our relationship.

The Aftermath

At the end of the month, I decided to sit down with my husband and discuss our experiences. We both agreed that taking a break from this specific sexual activity had brought us closer together and helped us reevaluate our priorities. We learned that communication, emotional connection, and mutual respect are essential elements of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. I also discovered that by focusing on my own needs, I was able to regain a sense of control and confidence in my marriage.


In conclusion, taking a break from giving blow jobs to my husband for a month was a transformative experience for both of us. It allowed us to rekindle the flame in our relationship and find new ways to connect on a deeper level. I encourage other couples to explore different forms of intimacy and communication to keep their relationships strong and exciting. As for my discreet-dating-app.hankwilliamsmothersbest.com readers, I hope that my story inspires you to prioritize your own needs and desires in your relationships, and to never be afraid to try something new.